Beat Allergy Season by Installing an Air Cleaner

Do you or your family members suffer from springtime allergies? Unfortunately, Indiana is expected to have some of the highest levels of pollen it has ever seen this spring. So what can you do to keep your allergies under control while we battle through the season? Use a high-efficiency air cleaner to make sure the air inside your home is clean and clear of pollen or other allergens.
How Does an Air Cleaner Work?
Air cleaners effectively remove bacteria, pollen, animal dander and other pollutants as small as 0.01 microns. That's 18,000 times smaller than the head of a pin! The higher the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), the more efficiently the cleaner removes particles from the air. The filter should be cleaned occasionally and changed every six to eight months, but that can vary depending on the make and model you choose to purchase. Remember, cleaning the filter extends the life of your appliance.
You might think an air cleaner will be loud and noisy and disrupt your household, but they are actually pretty quiet. Some air cleaners will have different cleaning speed settings. This means if you turn it up to the maximum speed it might be a bit louder than when it is on the lowest speed, but it still won't be extremely noisy. You'll need to run your air cleaner continuously to get the best results. Make sure you keep the cleaner on the lowest setting when you are out of the home. This will save energy and reduce your energy bill, but will still keep your living environment clean.
Do you have pets in the house? With the pollen count in Indiana looking to be through the roof, you'll definitely want to look into an air cleaner. The pollen plus pet dander will only agitate your allergies or asthma more. An air cleaner will also help you avoid that springtime cold everyone is catching by freeing your home of bacteria, spores and viruses. Indoor air pollutants can cause headaches, itchy eyes and other irritations.
Don't let your allergies or asthma make you miserable this spring. Beat Mother Nature by choosing an air cleaner to help you breathe easier and make sure the air inside your home is clean and clear of pollen or other allergens. Call Chapman Heating and Air Conditioning at 317-291-4909 today for more information or visit our website!
Need an air cleaner? Contact Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning, and Plumbing, today