Chapman and racing go hand-in-hand. Did you know Jeff sold newspapers at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway back in the day? Our company not only has strong ties to the community, but to racing as well. As a Bryant Factory Authorized Dealer, being a dependable, contributing member of our local communities is a big part of who we are. With our business and the Bryant factory located in Indianapolis, we're happy to support community interests like IndyCar® racing.

If you couldn't tell from the checkered flag in our logo, we're big fans of IndyCar® racing. Bryant Racing was introduced in 1958. Bryant has a rich tradition in auto racing and is the longest-standing non-automotive sponsor at the Indianapolis 500.

During race weekend, Bryant announces its Circle of Champions, which are Bryant Factory Authorized Dealers that are judged on overall Bryant-branded product sales growth, high-efficiency and indoor air quality equipment sales, customer satisfaction and participation in various dealer programs and promotions.

Of those 55 winners, 15 are selected as Medal of Excellence Winners from across five regions of North America, and the culmination of the weekend comes when Bryant announces its Dealer of the Year.

We are honored to be named a Medal of Excellence winner and to be considered for Dealer of the Year. From all of us at Chapman, we thank you, our customers, for your continued support. Thank you for helping us grow into the company we are today. None of this would be possible without you.

Think you have what it takes to be a member of our team? Apply Today!

The temperatures are rising and that means summer is on its way! With warmer weather on the horizon it's time to think about setting your thermostat for summer. These tips will help you save money this summer and make your home more energy efficient.

During the summer months it's best to set your thermostat between 75 and 78 degrees, or turn it off when you are out of your house for long periods of time. A higher interior temperature will slow the flow of heat into your house, saving energy on air conditioning. And who doesn't want that?

To help you deal with your thermostat running at a higher temperature, we suggest utilizing ceiling or room fans. To keep your energy bills low, turn off all of the lights during the day while you are out of the house and keep the shades drawn to prevent direct sunlight from heating up your home. On the weekends, open up the windows if the weather permits to keep some fresh air blowing through your home. This will help reduce your electric bill significantly by reducing your electric use during the day, all while keeping your home cool.

Another simple way to lower your energy bill during the summer is to make sure you electronic devices are unplugged and turned off if you are not using them. Many electronic devices will continue to use power even when they are not in use. Is your laptop or tablet turned off, but still connected to the charger that's plugged into the wall? Simply unplug the appliances that are not in use or don't need to be charged to cut down your energy bill.

Programmable thermostats help you manage your home temperature settings by creating a schedule. You will save money all summer long. You'll want to program your thermostat to be warmer while you are away at work and cooler when you return home in the evening. For more information about programmable thermostats click here. Interested and upgrading to a programmable thermostat? Give your friends at Chapman a call at 317-291-4909 or visit our website today!

Have your air conditioner inspected by one of our Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning, and Plumbing, contractors today!

When the temperatures heat up, it's time to dust off the air conditioner and fire that puppy up so you can feel nice and cool in your home. But what do you do when you're not feeling that rush of cool air throughout your home? Here are four signs you need to replace your air conditioner before the 100 degree heat hits Indiana.

1. Your air conditioner is more than 10 years old

Some things get better with age. Your air conditioner is not one of those things. Manufacturers are always improving their products to give their customers the best and most up-to-date technology available. If you have an air conditioner that is 10 years old or older, you could be running into costly repairs that are not worth paying for anymore.

2. Your air conditioner has a low SEER rating

The older your machine gets, the less energy efficient it will become. Air conditioners might look the same, but their Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) can vary widely. Higher SEER numbers save more money and spend less on their energy bill. A 10 SEER air conditioner won't be as energy efficient as a 13, 16 or 20 SEER air conditioner. Your older model will have a lower SEER number, which means you are paying more money each month on your energy bill. Stop wasting money. Upgrading to an air conditioner with a higher SEER number will help you save money to spend on something you really want, not on bills.

3. Frequent breakdowns and malfunctions

If a service technician is at your home every other week performing maintenance on your air conditioner, it's time to consider replacing the unit. Constant repair costs will add up very quickly. It doesn't make sense financially to hold on to an older unit. Invest your money into a new unit and start saving money on your energy bills! Also, you can give your service technician a break from visiting your home twice a month.

4. Your air conditioner uses R 22 Freon

If you own an older model air conditioner your machine is probably still using an R-22 Refrigerant, or Freon 22. Your air conditioner depends on the chemical reactions of refrigerant gas to remove heat from the enclosed area. As technology evolved, so did the use of refrigerants. Freon 22 has been phased out and Puron, or R-410A, has taken its place. Puron-based refrigerants have been proven to be the most reliable and have gained recognition as a long-term solution to ozone depletion. Since Freon 22 is becoming obsolete, having it replaced will become even more difficult as newer machines neglect to use it. If your air conditioner is still running on Freon 22 you need to replace it.

Don't suffer through boiling summer temperatures. If your air conditioner is 10 years old or older and is malfunctioning regularly it's time to invest in a new unit. Your friends at Chapman can find you the right unit for your home today! Give us a call at 317-291-4909 to schedule an appointment.

Have a Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning, and Plumbing, contractor come to your home and have your air conditioner inspected today!

If you live in an older home in central Indiana, you might be dreading the summertime. Homes constructed before central heating and cooling systems became popular are not designed for the network of air ducts newer HVAC systems require. Remodeling an older home to accommodate ductwork may not be practical if city codes or homeowner associations limit the changes that can be made to the home's historical architectural style. So what do you do? Don't sweat it. A duct free heating and cooling system is the answer to beating the summer heat.

First, you're probably wondering what a duct free system is and how it works. Like any standard heating and cooling system, a ductless unit has both an indoor and outdoor component. The outdoor unit contains the compressor and condenser. The indoor unit consists of the evaporator (the component in the cooling system that extracts heat from air) and the fan that blows the cooled air into your home.

Individual units are installed into each room in your home to help your control the temperature. Because ductless systems let you control each room's environment, the entire household won't be disturbed when a unit cycles on or off. Ductless systems are adaptable to almost any comfort need and any home's design and configurations.

The elimination of ductwork substantially raises a ductless system's energy efficiency. Because the heat pumps used in ductless systems move heat rather than generate it, they're far more energy efficient that conventional heaters like furnaces and boilers. Ductless systems include controls for each individual air handler. Most systems come with remote controls that let you adjust temperatures without leaving the comfort of your couch.

If you're living in an older home, it's time to say goodbye to those unsightly and outdated window units and upgrade to a duct-free heating and cooling system. They are easy to install, energy efficient and quiet. What's not to love? Don't spend another summer suffering through boiling temperatures and an old HVAC system. Call your friends at Chapman and we'll get you feeling cool and comfortable in no time. For more information about duct free systems call 317-291-4909 today!

Looking for ductless air conditioner contact Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning, and Plumbing, today
