I am concerned about mold growth, what should I do?

When humid air passes over chilled cooling coils, water condenses and drips through the coils into a collection pan, from which it continuously drains. Problems with these systems may occur when this water collects and becomes stagnant when it becomes blocked, either on the coils or in the drip pan. The pan will grow mold that can infect your home … Read More

What does SEER, AFUE, and HSPF ratings mean to me?

SEER, AFUE and HSPF are all measures of energy efficiency. Air conditioners may look similar, but their Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) can vary widely. Higher SEER numbers save more money spent on electricity. A 13 SEER air conditioner, the EPA “current minimum standard”, uses 23% less energy than a 10 SEER unit (EPA standard up until Jan. 2006). Even … Read More

A Carbon Monoxide Detector can Save Lives

You wouldn’t dream of living somewhere without a smoke detector, but many people don’t realize that having a carbon monoxide detector (also known as a CO detector) is just as important. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that can build up from every day sources like gas stoves, idling cars, improperly vented gas fireplaces or even from your furnace. It’s colorless and odorless—and deadly.