
No 2014 HVAC Tax Credits: How to Save Anyway

February 10, 2014

For the past several years, the federal government has been encouraging Americans to buy new, energy efficient furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners and other HVAC equipment. But as more and more folks upgraded their systems, the need for the tax credits was reduced with every passing year. Now, in 2014, the Energy Efficiency tax credits have been eliminated. This move is expected to save the government $700 million over the next several years, but what about you? You want to save money too. So with these tax credits expiring, what's the best way to get the most HVAC bang for your buck?

First, don't be pennywise and pound foolish. When it comes to HVAC equipment, that means purchasing used equipment or having a friend or family member install your system for you. While you might pay less to begin with, it's almost certain the job won't be done properly or the new system will fail the first time you hit a hard freeze. Make sure you're working with a reputable Indianapolis heating and cooling company like us.

Next, make sure you aren't buying more system than you actually need. Sometimes, bigger is better, but when it comes to your HVAC system, a bigger unit can actually wind up costing you a bundle. Not only is the unit more expensive to buy in the first place, it's also more expensive to operate. The bigger unit takes longer to reach its peak efficiency and makes it more difficult to dehumidify the air. That means the air feels warmer, so in the summer, you'll often find yourself cranking the thermostat down to get the same cooling effect, which results in bigger energy bills. It's a mess. The solution is simple: work with a qualified HVAC tech to find the right unit size for you.

Also don't be afraid to see if you can save with rebates from the manufacturer of your furnace or air conditioner. Depending on what you purchase, you could save up to hundreds of dollars on your system. That's better than most of the expired tax credits.

Even without the tax credits, this is still a great time to invest in a new furnace or air conditioner. The increased efficiency and comfort of today's systems will blow you away if you've been muddling through with old equipment. Ready to get started? Contact Chapman Heating and Air today.

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