
Geothermal Energy for Your Home

March 30, 2015

Efficient and economical, geothermal energy heats, cools and cuts fossil fuel use at home. Whether you're in sunny Florida, or snowy Indiana, a ground-fed climate system can free you from fluctuating energy prices and save money on bills immediately. It sounds a little strange, but here's how it works.

What many people don't realize is that the temperature below ground (regardless of the climate or season) stays fairly consistent all year. Crazy, right? The use of a geothermal heat pump taps into the energy in the Earth's surface and drives a heating and air conditioning system for both residential and commercial properties. How cool is that?! The geothermal heat pump saves energy and benefits the environment. If you're looking to live a greener lifestyle, geothermal energy is right up your alley.

You see, the Earth absorbs almost 50 percent of all solar energy and remains at a constant temperature of 50°F to 70°F depending on your geographical location. A geothermal unit utilizes this constant temperature for heating and cooling your home. When it comes to geothermal energy you can take in up to 60 percent of energy savings vs. traditional systems. There is no flame, no flue, no odors and no loud outdoor equipment. What's not to love? Heating, air conditioning and hot water can all be attained from a single compact unit! It's a simple solution to becoming more environmentally friendly.

All HVAC systems require energy-intensive heat movement which is responsible for over half of the average house's total energy demand. Geothermal energy makes your home less dependent on fossil fuels. Your heat pump will supply lower-temperature air than a fossil-fueled furnace, so your heat pump will run for longer periods of time.

Utilizing geothermal energy is an excellent way for you to save money no matter what season it is. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of geothermal energy, contact us today at 317-291-4909 or visit our website.

Looking for home heating system installation contactor? Contact Chapman Heating, Air Conditioning, and Plumbing, today

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