The Doctor is In – Your AC Unit Needs a Check Up

Your AC unit works hard and deserves respect. For a lot of people, their AC units go under-appreciated until they break down. To prevent things from breaking down when you need them the most, schedule regular check-ups with professional technicians that can diagnose an issue before it becomes a major problem.

Employee Spotlight: Kent Odom

Chapman Employee

If you have worked with us before, there is a good chance you have had the pleasure of talking to our Sales Representative, Kent Odom. Kent has been in the industry for 42 years and brings all of that experience and knowledge to each new customer and their specific needs.

Whole Home Humidifiers

We sat down with Jeff Chapman and asked him to fill us in on whole home humidifiers. We wanted to know what the benefits of adding a humidifier to the home would be and what makes a whole home humidifier so special. Listen to the clip to learn more from Jeff.

Heating and Cooling Your Home, Intuitively

On a dark and stormy night, when the wind howled and the snowflakes turned to ice pellets, a surprising transformation happened. The day had been warm, and the house required much cooling. The residents of the home went to bed, setting their thermostat to a cool temperature, hoping to sleep restfully during what they assumed would be a hot evening.

Fall Tune-Up for Your Heat System

Before chilly autumn nights set in, make sure your furnace is up to snuff and don’t get left out in the cold with a broken heater. The best way to make sure your systems are ready for winter is to have a full fall inspection and tune-up. Without this yearly cleaning and inspection, a system can wear itself out, pump deadly carbon monoxide into your home or simply stop working.

Predicting Winter Weather

We’re wrapping up the summer season and cold weather is on the way. How cold, you might ask? Well, it can be hard to predict the weather but The Farmer’s Almanac might just have the answer!
In a nutshell, the Farmer’s Almanac is an annual calendar with articles about weather, gardening, cooking, home remedies and everything in between. It is jammed packed with information, but it is best known for its winter weather predictions.

Have You Checked Your Insulation Lately?

The crunch of leaves under your feet, the crisp chill in the air, before you know it fall will be here and with it comes cold weather. Before you kick on the heater, make sure you’re caught up on insulation and how it could save you money through the colder months.

Duct Free Units for Older Homes

If you live in an older home in central Indiana, you might be dreading the summertime. Homes constructed before central heating and cooling systems became popular are not designed for the network of air ducts newer HVAC systems require. Remodeling an older home to accommodate ductwork may not be practical if city codes or homeowner associations limit the changes that … Read More

Geothermal Energy for Your Home

Efficient and economical, geothermal energy heats, cools and cuts fossil fuel use at home. Whether you’re in sunny Florida, or snowy Indiana, a ground-fed climate system can free you from fluctuating energy prices and save money on bills immediately. It sounds a little strange, but here’s how it works. What many people don’t realize is that the temperature below ground … Read More

Should You Invest in a Home Warranty?

Buying a home is a big investment. When you decide to take the next step and purchase a home,  you will be offered the opportunity to purchase a home warranty. The purpose of a home warranty is to give you the peace of mind that if any part of the home fails, it can be fixed affordably. But sometimes, that’s … Read More